Anyone who loves a good loaf of bread 🍞 knows the frustration of having to throw it away because it went bad too quickly. 🗑️
I help you avoid this by freezing bread at just the right time, so you can enjoy it longer without the waste!
I freeze any leftover bread that I buy at the market or bake myself. Please don’t buy this low quality bread from mainstream supermarkets that is full of unnecessary additives and ingredients ‼️ (tip: if it has more than 4 ingredients, please don’t buy! And only buy organic to avoid pesticides)
🍞 I slice the bread with our bread slicer, (which is a must-have in our house and is a game changer when you bake your own bread!)
Then, I cut parchment paper into small pieces and place it between the slices so they don’t stick together. Put everything in a zip log bag and put it in the freezer,
This way, I can just grab a slice for freshly toasted bread every morning, or for the kids’ school lunches! It’s also perfect for a snack in between when I am working from home.
xx M
I made a reel on instagram if you want to check it out !